He Hate Cans

It's because that would require people to know something about the case of the Central Park 5 which requires time and effort to learn a thing.

I'm not exactly gung ho about the prospect of President Mike Pence either.

Man, I'm not looking forward to the inevitable statement that Nutty Buddy will eventually have to release

"It's really hard for a dromedary to be a ten"

Oh man, can someone with better editing software than I put together Trump's audio with that scene from Grizzly Man of Werner Herzog listening to the headphones and then saying "You must never listen to this. I think you should destroy it."

He could have said anything. No one egged him on. No one said. "So Donald, now that you're famous what kinds of things can you do to women without consequence?"

The only truth he's spoken this whole campaign.

To anyone saying "I'm appalled by this and have now decided not to vote for this man" I want to say…

Can't think of anyone who this is going to help Trump with. Especially since Jian Ghomeshi is Canadian.

People who say that women should not be grabbed by their pussies are just being politically correct!

I mean everyone has already checked the "Horrible to women" box off on their Trump scorecard by now. I'm not sure that this changes much.

Lewandowski: "We're electing a president not a Sunday school teacher"

Are we sure this is really a thing? I mean, I'm told by the Republican Party that if it's a case of "legitimate grabbing by the pussy," the woman's body has a way to shut that whole thing down.

I can see how the Republican Party would be freaking out. I mean they've spent decades doing their best to advance a platform and pass an agenda that is respectful of women.

It's starting to feel like the NFL is entering an era where they don't have many marketable superstars (Brady & Rodgers are about it).

It wasn't until seeing the horse head decor in that commercial that I realized he's only played for horse themed teams.

Another good column. I'd invite you to mimic a bow and arrow in victory, but I don't want you to get penalized.

Just seems like poor branding to me.

Especially when the Jacques Tati comedy Trafic was such a humorous take on the subject.

Yeah but that was going to happen anyway. Trump winning is going to do more harm than good as far as his supporters go. Trump losing is going to do more harm than good as far as his supporters go.