He Hate Cans

Star Trek vs Star Wars? I refuse to be forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. My vote is going to SeaQuest DSV

Personally I don't trust anyone who is into sex. All the crimes in the world have been committed by people who liked sex.

As one of Hunchback's defenders, I'll admit that our defense is usually "C'mon…. it's not terrible."

I dunno. If my wife cheated on me once, realized it was a huge mistake and never did so again. I think I'd be okay not knowing.

Can't we all just agree that any of the maps of the most whatever in each state are bullshit?

You are correct, but the argument that "What Trump's doing isn't that unheard of. After all, there was George Wallace and all those slaveholders" I'd say is at harmony with the spirit of what Bruce is trying to say.

I'm pretty sure the gum was the antagonist

I can tell. If you were a Browns fan you wouldn't be that optimistic.

Here's the thing (and I say this as a white guy). Is this more of of a dumb marketing blunder than a huge racial infraction? Sure. It's a small sprinkle on top of the vanilla ice cream, hatred and shit sauce sundae that is this country's race relations. But you can't look at the sprinkle without seeing the sundae

The highlight was Ben Mankiewicz pulling his jacket off, as if this was just another of the 5 bar fights he's been in this week.

Having been at that taping I should tell you that we in the audience were informed that he was going to do a bit about silly hats and crazy crowds and we should go as nuts as possible for the sake of comedy. You understand that TV is fake right?

How about (Trump here replacing Wallace)

No one can explain it because no one knows.

Me watching last week: "Wow, the brotherhood has really gone bad. They must have a new leader hellbent on amoral vengeance"

He's just walking down the street: "Hey stranger, I bone my sister!" (Snaps fingers)

Tyrion (to self): If I could only make Missandei laugh, I could finally get into those fantastically constructed pants of hers.

Next he's gonna sign a law calling porn a public health menace.

They could still find her in the river. Don't crush my dreams! You're not my real dad!

Yara: Look Theon, all I'm saying is, I'm a better pirate than you, dad loved me more, I made you admit that I'd be a better heir to the throne and I can please a woman without need of a penis. But cheer up a little. Be a man.

Davos: Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, do we need to establish a familial, non-threatening relationship with a 10 year old girl? 'Cause that's kind of what I do.