He Hate Cans

I may be in denial. But you're the one wasting time on a show you clearly can't stand.

I do remember reading that on the Internet. But upon further analysis it was a thing I read on the Internet.

Theory: Arya becomes badass no name assassin and it's a random encounter with Nymeria that inspires her to be Arya again.

Asha is going to take Victarions place. The moot is going to elect Euron and she's going to try get some dragons to prove that she's got it.

Shhh. Don't you know if you say S*** S***** out loud 3 times they show up and waste valuable plot time?

Reading that in Jonathan Pryce's perpetually exhasperated, faux humble voice just made my night.

I half thought we were going to cut to a shot of Jorah and Daario holding empty cans of lighter fluid and chuckling.

Oh I totally agree. I agreed with the first 5,000 comments pointing this out.

I don't disagree that it's lazy storytelling, but we all know that by now. Repeating it every week is also lazy commenting.

Get a job, show!!!

Those pants were loose in the right places and tight in the right places. Not that the actress isn't lovely but I kinda wanna ogle the pants.

Well why not? Those 3 tricks always worked for Lou Gehrig.

Jonathan Pryce is killing it this season.

Good to know, but existence of that headline kinda grosses me out. "Read this story. It's about bewbs" - Entertainment Weekly

Double double counterpoint: Shana, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let 'em crash.

Osha? Osha had been an important character? The character who existed just to give Rickon some adult accompaniment to make sense of him leaving?

Looked like a super-imposed face sorta thing like they did with Lena Heady's walk of shame last year.

Counterpoint: Ramsay Bolton killing people every week is dull and predictable. The Internet calling it dull and predictable every week is more dull and predictable.

I mean, a complaint that the Greyjoy uncles haven't been named yet? We all know that they'll be named probably the next time they get a scene and start to play more important roles in the narrative.

It took the 3rd direwolf kill for you to start hatewatching?