He Hate Cans

He's killing Kevin. Totes.

HBO Go and chill?

I think Qyburn taking over the little birds is setting him up to do… something that Varys does in the books… later

Awww snap!

It's something on this show when your part hasn't been recast and you've been the same actor since season 1… and still unrecognizable.

They seem to be random symbols that aren't related to houses. But the sigils for the actors are impressively accurate. The sigil for Sam Tarly is on point although no one in the actual show has thus far cared about the sigil of House Tarly.

At the end of last weeks episode he said that the red witch might help and seemed ready to head in her direction. And I wonder if that scene was supposed to take place before Thorne knocked on the door and the wildlings returned but the pacing of it that way just didn't work.

"I wagged my high septon at her flea bottom, wink, wink, nudge, nudge"

I was thinking the same thing. I know the Internet is for complaining. But life is so much better when you just avoid things you don't like and then don't complain about them.

It would mean that Jon's claim to the throne wasn't because of a rape. Which makes it more of a feel-good development.

That bulge was impressive though. I'm just saying, it looks like John Snow rose from the dead sooner than expected

I had Roose in my friends death pool. Made some major coinage tonight!

If you get your card punched 4 times you get a free soda!

Agreed. I'm not befuddled by people viewing a relationship as temporary. By all means, approach your relationships with whatever level of permanence you like. But the legal point of a marriage is to bind you to someone for the long run. If your not in it for the long run, why go through the trouble?

Sure but theoretically you're getting more content you want as opposed to 60
channels of Monster Truck Waffle Iron Sister Wife All-Stars

Is one of these the clips where Ser Davos finally takes the Iron Throne and declares "tyrannical despots for none, free onion rings for all!"

Hulu also has Joy of Painting episodes. I mean, if you're looking for something to put on to help you sleep, I doubt you'll find anything better.

No, but that rendition was negatively attributed to just one person, not an entire race.

It was also enough to convince my grandparents that African Americans had soiled the one last piece of Americana that had steadfastly remained white and uncorrupted all these years, to the point where they still can't hear anyone sing the National Anthem at a sporting event without shouting "SING IT RIGHT!" at the TV.

It was also enough to convince my grandparents that African Americans had soiled the one last piece of Americana that had steadfastly remained white and uncorrupted all these years, to the point where they still can't hear anyone sing the National Anthem at a sporting event without shouting "SING IT RIGHT!" at the TV.