He Hate Cans

See, the thing is, we'll all gently mock ABC on here, then shrug and go back to watching or not watching it as we see fit.

My parent's generation stuff is lame and dated. My generation's stuff will last forever!

But it's still about being the special snowflake, just in a different way right? Conspiracy theories are so appealing because they let you believe that you're one of the few who gets it, dude, when everyone else is clearly being played by the man.

These people believe that minorities already have the same opportunities as everyone else. Because in their mind, they do. I'm sure Rampling believes she votes based on merit and not race, as does everyone else in the Academy, and sometimes the pieces just all fall to white people.

Didn't we do this already? Game of Thrones had a rape scene and the Internet said "not cool" and patted itself on the back. Then last year they had another rape scene and got their highest ratings and won a Westrosi shit-ton of Emmys. Cause internet outrage only provides more attention.

What's that? Double the number of decent movies it has streaming? Oh no, Nevermind

"They have a cave troll"

"And what haunts me, is that in all the faces of all the bears, I discover no kinship, no understanding, no mercy."

FYI "God's Not Dead" to be read in the inflection of a 5 year old who just got home from preschool and found their goldfish missing.

I had just realized Offerman's character was named Karl Weathers when Lou called someone "Sergeant Bluth". That can't be a coincidence can it?

Well you can read a tirade against "idiots who blame all Muslims" and agree that kneejerk intolerance sure is bad. Or you can get defensive which I think… is telling.

Well, Ted Cruz already said when we respond militarily we should stop worrying so much about innocent casualties so…

"Sure I knew it was a bad idea and he wouldn't be very good but I figured, what the hell, it might be entertaining" -American electorate 2016 after voting in President Trump.

I know. I was just trying to suggest a situation that would make people shudder.

Which would make for the most successful civil rights chant of all time. "We gave the world jazz. You gave the world Alice"

Spoiler alert: The Revenant wins Best Picture.

McCarthy pretty much gets a lifetime pass from me thanks to The Station Agent. Man do I love that film.

If they made a shitty movie, think I could make money off selling a decal of Calvin pissing on the Calvin & Hobbes movie?

The legalization part is a change to the constitution. The 10 growers part is not.

If one more person on my facebook feed today says the phrase "monopoly of 10 growers" they're getting smacked in the face for not understanding how words work.