He Hate Cans

So I was commenting on Christian films that create straw man secularists to tear down instead of building up their faith (as described in the original comment). Members of any other belief system, spiritual or secular (yes including atheists) who focus most of their effort on tearing others down are equally stupid and

Next time you find yourself in a similar situation, I'll give you $5 if you stop and shout "give us Barabbas!!"

What's the good of believing in a thing if you can't look down on those who don't believe in it?

I once met one of Edith Head's assistants who claimed that Lee Marvin was a massive asshole in real life. But he said George C. Scott as an absolute sweetheart. So there's that

I had a dream last night that I ate my pillow. And when I woke up my giant marshmallow was gone.

The optical illusion part isn't what's fascinating. It's people's inability to accept any interpretation other than their own that's fascinating.

The backlash has begun. Long live the backlash!

Back in the early 20th, the companies that owned the railroads made special deals with the big train companies who could afford to pay extra, and allowed them priority use for their tracks. Until Teddy said "aw hell no"

Corporations to America: Look baby, you know I love you, but every time you regulate me I have to hurt you. Now you don't want that, do you?

"Trees are people my friend"
—Mitt Romney

Why not? After all Hillary can't win because, you guessed it, "Hillary is way too old to be President"

I mean, how does one argue against such a thing? Last time he insisted that the federal government was going to make it illegal for us to walk down the street and talk on our phones. When I told him that seemed more like a city ordinance thing, he laughed and said I was crazy if I didn't think Obama was going to do

How this conversation is going to go with my Tea Party cousin.

Twitter is easy. Comedy is hard.

How about just Short Presentation <30 minutes and Long Presentation >30 minutes.

And how come Batman doesn't dance anymore?

Also some of the infected from the Disneyland outbreak are babies who are too young to have been vaccinated yet. Friggin' babies.

Steve Carrell is very good in Foxcatcher. I was quite impressed.

After that sentence on the official press release it says *wink now*

I don't think he was. But I'm pretty sure Erik Frandsen was Abraham Lincoln