Branden Forcements

A steaming turd would be better than anyone on the (R) side of the aisle. We need to raise the bar a little bit...

Yeah but running “any Dem” gave us The Orange Hitler presidency. How about the party establishment backing a “not-shitty” Dem for starters? It would go a long way

If that’s the case give the man everything he wants, ASAP

Dumb fucks

I want to be able to tell my grandchildren and great-grandchildren that for some odd reason I fought against the wall voted for the pussy-grabbing failed businessman who promised to build the wall against which I’m now fighting.

What a fucking moron

If that makes you feel better, I LOVED Your Highness

Here’s an idea for the New York Magazine: Stop hiring morons like Jonathan Chait.

Fuck Kinja - that is all

A sketchy corporatist offering cheesy soundbites instead of actual policy proposals? He seems to be catering to the Hillary crowd IMO


AKA Christian Values

Bill Withers is in the Mandalorian?

What about your nards?


Bye now!


And Michael Bloomberg!

Assuming an obvious scam artist is not a scam artist is a reasonable starting point...?

<deleted> double post - fuck you, kinja