Branden Forcements

What about your nards?


Bye now!


And Michael Bloomberg!

Assuming an obvious scam artist is not a scam artist is a reasonable starting point...?

<deleted> double post - fuck you, kinja

Ezra Klein sucks, dude. He is all about the DC cocktail circuit. His “conventional wisdom” shtick (aka - flattering obvious scam artists such as Paul Ryan) helped usher the political age of garbage we are currently enduring, with no end in sight. 


It depends - is the freeway located near the Boston area?

Is he one of those good Nazis President Diaper Don spoke about?

“Strangers committed serious crimes on my behalf out of the kindness of their hearts!”

So he hired a person who is “dumb as a rock” for SoS? Why does Diaper Donny hate America?

But Dumbya gave candy to Michele Obama on two separate occasions! What’s not to like?

Haven’t you been following the 24/7 funeral coverage? The man was practically a saint! Thank god for access journalism.

Pretty much yes. IMO that was one of the running jokes in Spider Man Homecoming (that scene where “Iron Man” turns up while Tony Stark is having cocktails in some tropical paradise)

The really shocking revelation in the trailer is that they didn’t pump RDJ full of steroids for the tank top scene.

Is there an Oscar for worst hair dye job? 

It looks like Dipshit Jr. is as illiterate as his idiot father. What a family.