From one of the articles you linked through... this quote is solid gold:
From one of the articles you linked through... this quote is solid gold:
When I was little, I was convinced my dad was the Blown Away Guy. I was sure that was my dad’s martini swept up in…
Wait. Let me summarize this one:
I’m also thinking we should add “any time Trump interrupts or talks over someone” on there. But then, ya know, people would end up dead.
Drinking game time!
Drew Magary hangs out with Donald Trump supporters at a Trump rally in Iowa. [GQ]
I don’t know if I will appreciate this post more or less once I find out if you’re trolling or not...
Recently released documents show that Brian Encinia, the Texas state trooper who arrested Sandra Bland after pulling…
Truly a banner week for news on NFL stars who destroyed digital material under suspicious circumstances.
This past weekend, I found myself walking into the the Brooklyn Academy of Music and staring up at a poster of a man…
“You know who else isn’t buying it? Greg Howard, because he’s black and probably stole it.”
SPELLING CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have solved the eternal toilet seat debate: the person who cleans the toilet sets the default seat position. An elegant and just solution.
How has no one picked up on the fact that two prominent free agents had a name within a name: LaMarcGasolDridge? Seems like this should be bigger news.
Having used one of these, I can tell you that it is not ideal when you have a torrent of hot brown coming out. The splash damage is very difficult to explain.
Maybe the New Times should reach out to the church to let them know where its $20k was supposed to go. I bet they’d do the Christian thing and give it to the mo—hahahahaha
I’m an atheist and used to live in Atlanta. For the most part people were great but especially in surrounding cities people would sometimes (totally inappropriately) bother me about where I went to church, etc. I eventually figured out that if you tell them you are Jewish they have no idea how to respond. It’s like…
Gaslight him? HE actually threw up in the street and owes YOU a huge apology.
My next door neighbor plays loud music and has had cops called on him by other tenants, but that doesn’t really stop him from having parties.