Fun fact: Monroe’s high school teams are the “Cheesemakers”
Fun fact: Monroe’s high school teams are the “Cheesemakers”
How is pual rayn erected?
I think the take away here is twofold.
Have you heard the fake good news?
I was hoping it was the mushrooms.
Why are you on my phone you fuck?
I don’t feel like the mushrooms alone think this was a good idea.
There is no Madison County in WI.
Will you see yourself out or be here all week?
Voucher is your child’s cut of the $$ set aside for public schools made out as a check to a private school.
Trying to change the Republican party from the inside is like being a toothless cog spinning ineffectualy in their political machine.
Let me know how much the leprechauns are paying for unicorns. I need some info to help me negotiate prescription drug coverage from these wood nymphs and something about the unicorn to pixie dust exchange rate seems off.
As an adopted baby myself (seriously, not trolling) I grew up knowing my parents WANTED me. They didn’t just want me, they NEEDED me. My mom was infertile and it wasn’t in the cards, so adoption. And here I am.
I know. Your point about hypocrisy rings true.
Counterpoint: Who cares what she has to say about anything?