
I like the concept but would wait for it to be on netflix.

He has nice, small hands, so probably detail work.

Next Executive order will be anti LGBT

Tell her you’re actually looking to gain 5 pounds and watch her head explode.

Now drink with me deeply of the bourbon, scotch, and rye until such time as we are fighting drunk. Then we shall find, and beat the asses of, the nonbelievers who ruined my feast.

You can guess where it goes from here.

Keep procrastinating.

“You know what you did.”

Like a young and skeevy version of Tim Curry.


I like your commitment to hyperbole.

Where’s the drummer in the first video?

I can’t wait for your take on Modern no. 20

What was that about Lobster Rolls?

Or because he owns hotels and he puts tiny cameras in the rooms.

Mike Pence becomes president.

Was the name of the event “How to get kicked off twitter and arrested by the FBI”?

Chris knows, that’s why he eats his feelings.