
The bullshit to English translation:

It took me 3 episodes to realize that it was not Matt Damon in the throes of a cheeseburger and Budweiser bender

Looks like eagle river.

Hillary voted to authorize force in Iraq. That makes her one of three things.

You’re going ‘Full Simmons’.

You must not have seen “The Hater’s Guide to the Williams-Sonoma Catalog ”

Anorexic Dr.Phil with a rug on his head?

Jesus Pete, just buy some goddamn disposable gloves.

Watching Matt Kalil try block anyone is a LOLVikings moment

That was a good Bears joke.

Things I would.rather spend $10 on that are not label makers:

Things I would.rather spend $10 on that are not label makers:

They’re on the bias.

All the fucking stars.

Too bad he’ll never win on a “six more weeks of winter” platform.

It sounds like he’s got a better plan for this than JPP.

If you have to ask you may be too needy.

I’ll never hear Button Mashing the same way again.

Are you referring to Berman or Tomasoula?
