
Prestige drama is tough to market if you can't really rely on action, suspense/mystery, or a known IP. Mad Men gained traction in a time when the biggest competition was premium networks and CBS. IIRC, Netflix was a place to watch movies and shovelware at the time, and OC on streaming services really wasn't a thing

It's totally okay to pick up a show in the middle and go back. I started Mad Men early in season 6, and going back to the earlier ones felt like in between watching for the first time and the second. It views like a flashback almost. You know what's going to happen to some of these people and what the big picture is,

Start of S2 is probably fine. It's just a much better show overall from that point on.

Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

They had to have been sampling old/bad packets, because the flavor of horseradish is quite obvious. I've never considered the possibility that the sauce is not good if paired with anything other than onion rings.

It's new-ish and very good. I still miss when they had the packs of verde and fire-roasted, though you can still get the verde in bottles at grocers.

Someone on Reddit calculated that something like 85% of the male roster has facial hair.

I think Carmella cashes in at Summerslam and Asuka shows up the next SDL to quickly take the belt away at the next PPV.

The Jinder push is really hurting everything else on the brand. But actually, between the short Cena run, and Wyatt, Orton, and Jinder as WWE champs, they have been fucking up that belt for half a year. Styles probably should have held on to it until it was Nakamura time.

I LOVE that they don't just trade offense. They spend most of the match countering each other until they have an opening to get offense in. Shows that they are familiar with each other and it's a real chess match. Favorite women's match on this brand in a while.

I popped for a Max Moon reference.

Booking… maybe. Writing, no. Having all the women on the roster stand in a line and trade lines one at a time about their match with Shane is death.

I hope Rusev runs over John Cena with a tank.

James "The Adonis" Polk!

If you want upvotes, tighten it up.

Disappointed they aren't likely to split these guys up and do a singles run to really get the most out of them. Though they really showed their age tonight and might be helped more than most by the tag format. Sheamus and Cesaro do seem to actually beat the hell out of them though, and anyone would look a step slow

I think there's a decent chance they put Dean and Seth together for a run, because there's no way Slater/Rhyno vs. Sheamus/Cesaro is a Summerslam match. I guess the other option for those guys is a big multi-man match for the IC belt, because it's going to be tough to get on the Summerslam card with all the belts that

I can see a 50/50 match for 24 minutes, then Sheamus and Cesaro rack up pinfalls for the rest of the time and win 5-0, leading to a breakup.

Someone tell me who thought it was okay not to have KO, AJ, Shinsuke, Dolph, Randy, and Jinder all not wrestle tonight. It's almost like they got a vacation day for working MITB.

It's hard to evaluate squashes until they are done telling the story.