
I wonder if Jimmy is in line to inherit any of Chuck's wealth. We've seen before that Jimmy is not immune to the temptations of wealth, and it makes him a shittier person, as it does to basically everyone. I wonder if that's an early plot point next year.

Based on the composition of that home, it's an absolute inferno in 15 minutes. No chance.

(I can't edit?)

I think "strong" is being used in a way analogous to strong magnetism or gravity or thunderstorms. It's a scale measuring from low to high rather than opposite ends of a bell curve like submissive to dominant. More quantitative than qualitative.

You bring up some good points on the cast, and you forgot Mac from IASIP. But Ewan is really the only star on the main cast.

Is there something to get that I'm not getting? Because I don't think this season is good. Dammik is children's movie level of villainy. And that doesn't work because he's not the antagonist. He's a plot device and pretty much ruins every scene he was in. Everything about Nikki in jail was just terrible. And a guy

Unless they are saving some real fireworks for the end, I feel it's a huge step down. Both in terms of storytelling and in production values. It seems like the budget was slashed, tbh. The music hasn't been as good, and the cast just seems smaller and cheaper, without a lot of casting of familiar faces in minor roles.

Ugh, I was so excited to see Alexa do that segment, but the writing and those extras did her no favors. It should have been good, but flopped badly, as the crowd noted with the delete and "this is awful" chants. I really hope this match is not trash, but I don't have high hopes.

Jeez, now who's being the bully. The Kimmel thing was newsworthy but not a gamechanger. Saying Carolla "can barely hold down a podcast gig" is false. I'm taking issue with your comment without saying I endorse this project, which I don't.

To mitigate the risk of footing the bills in case demand is low? It's not like I think making this thing is a good idea, but unless you're against the idea of any person crowdfunding something they could otherwise afford, I really don't see the problem with that aspect of it.

That's not my point. The comment I replied to said he "can barely hold down a podcast gig", which I found to be a false way to assess a podcast empire that employs many people and makes lots of money.

That's not really accurate, sorry. Everyone with a brain already had their feelings set about healthcare, and Carolla made lots and lots of money over the past decade on his podcast network.. If you want to rag on Carolla, you don't need to make up facts to do so.

Yes, I imagine he is very wealthy compared to you or me. He has a major itch to scratch in terms of vintage cars, but even those are investment-ish, and he does not seem like the kind of guy who blows big money on traveling the world or going out for fancy dinners nightly. He works live shows regularly and is always

Carolla has never been against marriage equality or seemed prejudiced against gay people outside of some dated comedic material. But I don't think he gets transgender or nonbinary identification at all, which is too bad. He used to be more understanding of people's challenges. Then it was understanding challenges

I thought this was so dull and irrelevant that I'm not going to bother having thoughts about the show, let alone typing them out.

New Typing of the Dead please? My WPM got so much better from playing that game.

We can buy mixed drinks in cans. They just don't sell very well and most stores don't carry them. These seem pretty common where I am. https://monaco-cocktail.com/

Having a wrestler's music hit was a much better way to pop the crowd than having the GMs announce trades in the ring or backstage. It was the right idea for presentation, and the nuts and bolts of who was traded for whom would not likely enhance storylines. And if they did, you could selectively reveal that later.

Yeah, New Day has very few legit options after another Usos feud. Maybe Rusev and Jinder team up again, but that's a stretch. I wish they could scrap the SDL tag division. Imagine if they could trade the Usos and AA for Sheamus and Cesaro and maybe Enzo and Cass or The Club and unleash all those guys as singles. Raw

Ehh…. The SDL tag division is still in really rough shape. I expected them to get Gallows & Anderson or Sheamus & Cesaro. New Day doesn't have a lot to work with. They had a lot of matches with the Usos when the alignments are flipped. Maybe they'll be deployed in singles action more. The sum of the parts is probably