
I’m gonna need a pugh analysis on the pros/cons of all of my donut options. After you present me the facts and data supporting your decision I will throw it away and do whatever the fuck I want to do anyway.

Have you considered hiring a donut consultant to optimize your short and long-term snacking strategy?

Walk in to any school administration building.

A Star of David, as hastily rendered by Trump on a napkin on his jet. “See? I love ‘em!”

At least they don’t have the bird actually shitting on the homeless person. Sensitivity!

To be fair, the sculpture does look about as stiff as Ryan in the pocket.

But if the sculptor is truly striving for accuracy, the bird needs to drop the ball every time the Falcons reach the red zone.

Can’t wait for the first thunderstorm to roll through & for that bird to literally take flight

I’ve said it before (look it up). I feel for the engineers who want to stalk and murder architects.

What sort of a lunatic jerks off in a public restroom with multiple stalls. 2 to 1 odds he was a Bills fan.

Racing games are great with other people but for solo play, Football was the best, specifically NCAA. It wasn’t about the game play (which was solid), it was about fantasy and team building. I fondly remember many WELL spent hours turning The University of Buffalo into perennial powerhouse.

Eh. Cougars and cocks are all over my browser history.

Brigham Hung

I look forward to three years from now when he signs and plays for an NBA minor league team like the Philidelphia 76ers.

Black people arent being oppressed. Assholes are being oppressed, because they act like assholes. Im half black, and never in my life have I come close to being invloved in a negative, or racist altercation with a police officer. You know why? Because I act like a sesible, law abiding human being. Out of the 900 plus

All he does is fellate Nick Saban for a solid hour...

I wouldn’t go to the game itself but I would absolutely tailgate at a Bills game.

More like you end up with a chicken.

“I don’t want him anywhere near my team,” one front office executive said. “He’s a traitor.”

Mutt-iny on the Bounty

Sadly, not the first Arkansas head coach that can’t keep track of his bitches.