Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.
Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.
Danny Rand returns from his trip to Coachella.
I'll forgive JJ for the A New Hope beats; TFA kinda reaffirmed why I love spectacle cinema in the first place.
I had no problem with the borrowed themes. They were so on the nose, I thought it was an obvious nod to the originals and not just a blind ripoff. Now, if Finn loses a hand and Rey makes out with her brother in the second one, THEN I will be suspicious....
Deadpool gets around.
Its a soap opera set in Dungeons & Dragons.
this post is about the book not the show
this take is fire (and blood)
Batman: "If you can murder someone with a halberd, you can murder someone with anything. Go get 'em tiger." Robin: *dead* Joker: "hahaha jokes on you Batman!"
I assumed he was a Rogue/Monk, and didn’t understand why he would blow a feat on Weapon Proficiency for that.
Halberd is 1d10 with a 3x crit. It’s a pretty devastating weapon even in the hands of a level 1 character. I figure Robin was probably like a level 10 acrobat/fighter or something.
Thought Perry made everyone he didn’t like do sports.
I like that you’ve followed a post about a flooded Honda with a post about a flooded Nissan.
the baseball team has volunteered to take part in a “facilitated dialogue” to discuss the issues raised
Clearly a fake - I can tell which parts are the arms and the legs instead of a whirling mass of metal shards.
Of all the state of the art well made stadiums for this to occur at!
Too many cooks in the kitchen.
Instead of remaking something like Highlander, I wish Hollywood would work on doing remakes for movies that were terrible originally. Why not remake Ghoulies instead of Highlander and what not?
It’s a composite of two different videos
“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”