
Didn't Michelle Rodriguez go to rehab for drinking when she was on Lost? I think it's a little weird that she was drinking to the point of getting visibly hammered at that game and all anyone is saying about it is Two girls! Kissing! OMGSOHOTTT!

I have a soft spot for Rodriguez and am really glad she's happy. I just worry about her and the alcohol like I'm her mom instead of some creepy rando internet stranger.

He's Cumberbatch's looper, for sure.

But if I don't threaten people with death, how will they know that I want them to die?

Before I finished reading the blurb I thought Ashleigh Banfield was getting death threats from people because of House of Cards. Which did not seem all that far-fetched, unfortunately.

I have to do WHAT with Lady Gaga?

Happy Saturday all. I need to know if I'm crazy or more so if someone can validate my feelings because my friends think I'm crazy for feeling how I feel and I think they're assholes for the way they responded to me about it... Last night we were going to have a slumber party at my house (yes 20-somethings still do

Now that I'm mobile again I want to give a shout out to the women who helped me the most when I was at my lowest. Abha, the RN at the hospital who would sit down and talk to me when I became frustrated with hospital administration. She pointed me towards getting results and not just venting.

I LOVE my period Tracker App.

Yeah, but you know - free love! They all claim they're in polyamorous open relationships!

Everyone else is saying it for me. Unclench, it's good for you. Promise.

I just thought of the farthest north part of Canada and figured we should send him there. He can spend his prison time up there.

Perhaps not immoral. Just illegal. But there are times when you have to break the law to find justice, no? This seems like one of them.

Send him to Iqualuit!

This is specially hilarious for me as a Puerto Rican. I'll explain: this guy is Puerto Rican boxer Miguel Cotto, former super welterweight champion. I can't wait 'til the local newspapers pick this up (:p)

You don't have to pay attention or be serious, but you also don't have to stay if you aren't having fun. It's a dick move to make everyone sitting around you miserable.

The lady behind them is like "Lord give me the strength, Satan is testing me"

That guy is not a random fan, that is Miguel Cotto, champion middleweight boxer from Puerto Rico who fights at Madison Square Garden often.

I really just don't like Jason Biggs. At all.

I would like to think that given that situation had I been that parent I'd have been all, "Hey - I appreciate y'alls commitment to insane levels of insobriety, but could you possibly manage to be less DICKISH in such close proximity to my minor child? 'K, thanks."