Now playing

Nope. Gonna watch this for the 3 millionth time.

Sorry, I wasn't reading the entire thread. I agree with what you're saying in substance. I'm kind of sensitive to how my friends have felt like once they started showing their bodies became sort of public property. More so than before they were pregnant, I should say. But I agree that more information about the

OMG i'm so glad i'm not alone. they are both strange, awkward, egotistical weirdos, but i think they're perfect for each other for exactly that reason. and I love seeing Kanye genuinely smile at her. it's damn cute and i hope it lasts 4eva.

Aww- how about "the stars have smiled upon them"?

Ah, nope- "star-crossed" means that the stars (deciders of our fate) have "crossed" (wronged) these lovers.

All the sick burns in this here comment section are funnier than anything Mr Mohr has ever done.

I kind of agree with Jay Mohr on this one. People usually do consider him a joke.

Man, when it comes to funny, Mohr is less, amirite?

I'll just leave this here...

Mine too. And friends of mine are battling a terrible virus that's laid several of their cats low. The outdoor cats have given it to the indoor cats. I know there are people who think it's mean, but when you look at outdoor cat life expectancy compared to ones who are kept inside, well, I prefer to keep my

Or, you know, keep your cat inside. I foster and at one point I had 11 cats. Not one of them ever went outside. They played in the house and were fine. The only people I know who insist on letting their cats outside do it so they don't have to keep a litter box inside. So, you know, maybe you shouldn't own a cat if

My cats are indoor cats for THEIR safety. Fuck the birds. (OK, not really. But that sounded good.)

That's why my cat stays inside. We have the same problem with native bird populations in the US. Bluebirds, in the NE to name just one species. Also keeps my fuzzy from being run over or ending up coyote or owl chow.