
Great piece, Stassa. This phenomenon of not creating a scene ties into broader issues we have in our culture with the very idea of victims and victimhood.

My word, reading your article after reading the “Ask Jane” shitshow this morning is like night and day. Your advice is (as always) spot on, caring, and relevant. I enjoy every one of your articles immensely.

These are both worthy options, but I’m all in for Baba Yaga. Once we’re no longer lethal-sex desirable, we are all the crone. Our wisdom is our power. Our rejection of the patriarchy is the reason they fear us. We surround ourselves with our sisters because Fuck Dudes. We are mysterious and strong and don’t care what


YES dinosaur. Angels are wussy and boring; I’m trying to keep this interesting.

Do you think boys in prehistoric times loved trucks and the color blue? 🙄 Gender stereotypes are part of culture and little boys & girls learn what’s “appropriate” for their gender through socialization. It isn’t inherent.

I wonder if we will ever get to a time when boys are encouraged to embrace stereotypically “girl” traits/mannerisms, etc. For example, I’ve seen girls’ clothing with dinosaurs, but I’ve never seen any boys’ clothing with hearts, flowers, etc. You hear about programs to increase girls’ participation in math and

Exactly. We’ve only accepted “guys” to colloquially be gender neutral because our society says the default is male.

Damn, that was some intense feministing this early in the morning. I’m going to get some more coffee.


Is it an unpopular opinion to say that The Defenders was a huge let down?
It had fun moments, but it never leaned into the absurdity of Super heroes vs Ancient ninjas, which at some point you have to.

I used to be against doxxing. Now I am starting to come around. See a Nazi, dox a Nazi.

And after all this, she’ll still end up with an arrest/criminal record, which will make it very difficult to get a good job. Yes, even if they eventually drop the charges, it stays on your record as an arrest and you’ll be disqualified from many jobs.

Coincidentally, he’s also what Luke Cage needed for at least half a season to build sufficient quantities goodwill to excuse what became a mess of a show after Ali left.

How Dadaji Became a Feminist

My grandfather has always encouraged my independence. When I broke off an engagement with a man I know my

I’m sorry, but I believe that the internet has decided that she was technically wrong - the worst kind of wrong.

Funny, I actually wanted the opposite to happen. Pino’s only real offense was being hyperfocused on work (in a boring field to drive the point home). I think Francesca just fit too many tropes of manic pixie dream girl for me to care.

What you’re doing is providing context for why people acted in a racist manner; it’s not a validation that they aren’t racist.

Being complicit in racism is still being racist. Voting for a candidate who spouts racist ideology is still racism, even if that’s not explicitly the reason you voted for them. Calling it

In order to get to the women’s bathroom at Radio City Music Hall, you have to pass through an old-fashioned sitting

Looks pretty awesome, though as far as being a master-class in character design I would nitpick that the silhouettes aren’t terribly distinct. The thematic cohesion is fantastic, but I’d have a hard time picking out who is what within a single faction at a glance.