Things my dog has reacted this way to:
Things my dog has reacted this way to:
Yes to all this.
Oh the twinkle lights are included in the glitter. Pretty much any * sparkle *
Glitter is my FAVORITE and perhaps only liked part about Christmas.
Unpopular Opinion: Dogs with human names weird me out. I don't get it.
Should anything in Harry Potter really be qualified with a spoiler anymore?
I really love the low impact environment they designed with the raised platform walkway and the HUGE enclosures for animals that had graduated to being used to larger and shared spaces. Wish more places were like that and less out to sell animal interaction for $$.
Ding, ding ding!
When people are defensive they tend to not fully understand the message being conveyed to them
Two dudes in a truck on a back road yelled "Nice ass" at me while walking my dog. Some teenage douche muttered "Pussy" at me while walking back from the gym on my apartment complex with my husband. In the 'burbs of Denver. It may not happen every day, but it happens and it is almost more infuriating because of the…
Is the dancing supposed to be as awkward as Taylor Swift's?
Illinois? :) I was also very confused.
Unfortunately, the regulations are so murky and hard to codify on global terms, that it may never happen. Even places that say they are decent, are most likely bullshitting somewhere along the line.
I was almost physically ill from that scene. I can't get over it.
I'm SO MAD at Tyrese for not killing that dude. I knew everyone else important from Terminus would survive (waiting for the woman Carol confronted, shot in the knee cap, and left in a zombie room to show up ) but COME ON Tyrese, get your face pounding self together.
I think that since he was putting up such a happy front in front of others, he needs alone time to just sob to keep it up.
Ugh. Dismissed body shamer.