What's worse - horse meat or pink slime?
What's worse - horse meat or pink slime?
I saw on It's Me or the Dog that you can try putting some canned pineapple in with your dog's food. Apparently it goes in delicious, but comes out less so.
I also had a hedgehog, who wasn't properly socialized when she was young and was very difficult to handle due to her fearfulness. I have a hard time believing that a hedghehog would have any kind of "fight" response. Their defense mechanism is to huff and stick their quills out (like when the hedgie in the video is…
That hedgehog is not having a good time, especially at the end when it is outside of the box.
I get that douches are really bad for vaginas, but I find it pretty hard to hate the idea of cleaning off the outside area where many bodily functions happen and where someone might be sticking their face, especially after all that outrage over the "some people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom"…
Pretty sure the doorknob and the woodpecker are clear references to penis.
I think "any woman who doesn't serve their sexual needs" is a teensy bit different from "cheating on him with a choreographer." I think a woman would be just as pissed if a boyfriend did this to her.
I'm glad I could come here and see the same reaction I had to the audi commercial, especially when my husband didn't get why I was annoyed.
I saw "guyet" in the headline before reading it and thought it had something to do with guys and bayonets. I can't really say that what its supposed to mean makes much more sense.
Interesting! Does the dog sit in the seat? Because I was on a flight with a woman who had a Labrador sleeping at her feet the whole flight, and I think that a person was sitting next to her.
I think a service dog gets to be in the cabin with you and sit at your feet, even if it is a Labrador. (So a Yorkie could probably sit on your lap or something.) The paperwork is probably to prove that the dog is well behaved enough to be outside of a carrier/cargo, since service dogs get lots of training. Also, I…
Oh, I was only talking about the first book.
I think Lisbeth did start out strong. She was a successful hacker working freelance for that security company prior to being attacked, no? And she always had that "Fuck it, I do what I want" attitude. (I could be remembering the book incorrectly, though.)
If you're like me, it might have had something to do with being "good" at all those things. I was in AP classes, orchestra, musicals, sports etc. But, I never really had to struggle to do well academically or with my extra curriculars (super privileged girl over here had violin lessons since I was five and tennis…
I grabbed it from a friend on Facebook and don't know the original source, unfortunately. It is quite perfect though.
When going through customs after an international family trip, my mom thought I'd need to fill out a separate customs form from my husband because I didn't take his last name. This from a woman who also kept her last name and has been traveling internationally for years, where my dad has always just used one customs…
But what about the children??
I really can't rebut your post as well as The No Kill Advocacy group that I linked to earlier. Animals will always have to be put down due to serious injury and illness, but several open admission shelters have successfully dropped their kill rates by working with politicians and the public, which is so often blamed…
When you focus on just sustaining the status quo instead of making change for the better, that is the definition of apathy to me. When you automatically assume that someone is attacking and being unfair for pointing out inefficiencies, that is apathy to me. Please read about the No Kill Equation, if you work at a…