
I honestly feel like I want Gator to have a moment where he stands up to Roy, and dear old dad just kills him. Have Gator’s last moments on earth be the full realisation of how little his father thinks of him. I can’t imagine how he’d survive the Wrath of Much long enough for that to happen, but it’d be great to see.

I’m not going to watch more SNL to find out, but I hope Mikey Day and Heidi Gardner play dysfunctional couples regularly - they have a really great dynamic.

This fake ad was better than almost everything (except D in a Box & White Christmas) in their list.

as a mom, im lucky if i even get a robe :(

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One of my favorites from the past few years:

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The Macy’s ad belongs here. Not specifically Christmas but close enough and freaking hilarious, especially the kid giggling while Heidi and Mikey bicker.

Early on, Lorraine suggests that she disapproves of Scotty’s hints of being trans. Coming on the heels of the photo, it seemed like typical “it ain’t natural” conservatism. But as we’ve learned more about Lorraine (mainly last week), I think maybe it’s instead that she’s extremely pro-woman, to the point that she’d

Maybe someone from season 3 will pop up since its timeline ended somewhere around 2015-16 with the flash forward. Wonder if it would be too easy and obvious to re-introduce Mr. Wrench.

I assumed Munch’s out-of-time coat was Mama’s, or at least something out of her closet.

A few weeks ago, I said Lorraine gives me Mom from Futurama vibes. Well, her husband could be Franklin Sherman from The Critic.

Will never happen as long as the tracks they run on are owned by the railroads and the freight gets priority.  

Y’know who doesn’t like that? The person whose work you just interrupted because you think you’re the center of the universe.”

That’s a totally reasonable take. What always raises my hackles - and what you very studiously did not do - is when people demand that others come into the office because they don’t like working from home so clearly it can’t work for anybody.

This article lets former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) off the hook by not mentioning him either. He’s the one who initially pushed for the deal despite significant criticism and evidence that the deal would never pay off for the Wisconsin economy due to shifting demands and promises from Foxconn after a massive

Was anything involving Donald Trump NOT a scam of some kind?

If you’re British and of a certain age, the name ‘Threads’ has many connotations, none of them good.

I see that Steven Spielberg’s spin machine has successfully rewritten history. Laying this solely at the feet of Landis is exactly what Spielberg wants; nobody seems to consider that the wholesome Oscar winner could have any blood on his hands.

School buses pretty much are the poster child for electricfication. Don’t need to go fast, lots of start-stop trips, reasonably low mileage per day (depending on area served), huge platform for battery, long downtimes for charging (pickup/drop off in the morning, go back to lot to charge, pickup/drop off again in

Whoah spoiler alert! I haven’t seen this movie yet, but great now I know the ending.