
LOL so you misunderstand the point i’m making, respond with a snarky comment based on your misunderstanding, and then wish death upon me when I told you that a misunderstand of that magnitude is pretty stupid.

lol ok man

My goodness I hope you don’t do anything involving math for a living.

If you think that’s the argument I was making, then you’re pretty stupid. 

i’m sure it’s hard to look at more than just one column, but one thing you can discount statistics for is sample size. 3 years for one guy doesn’t compare to 10+ for another. 

that the league wide averages over a 3 year period are an awfully good measure of how successful something is going to be?

that’s a lot of words when all you had to say was that you don’t really understand how statistics work. 

“i don’t know of any way to frame the QB discussion that puts Rodgers at #1"

I mean, “should someone be punished for attempting to abuse his power” seems like a pretty moral question to me, but regardless, I’d have to disagree pretty hard with your last sentence, as I’d consider Congressman some of the few people who have an ethical obligation to support actions that are almost certainly

the statistics are literally in this blog

i think this might be the most well-articulated argument against impeachment I’ve read yet.

legit question, because I understand the political reasoning you’re presenting and largely agree with it:

i certainly think that in those situations it would have been a lot harder to argue that “playcalling” is what cost them the game.

If you’re arguing that passing was more likely to lead to a successful outcome, that appears to be statistically incorrect - which is the entire point of all of this. 

Yeah, it appears I replied to the wrong person. My bad :)

That’s just, uh, not at all what Shep said. That’s what you (and the author of this blog) want him to have said, but it’s not.

no one is arguing with your correct statement of the events. we’re arguing that to say (in this blog) that Shep called Tucker “repugnant” is flat-out false.

you’re missing the point, though. Despite all of the things you said about the defense, you’re still more likely to be successful running the ball in these situations overall.

this is fun and i’m enjoying it, too, but, Shepherd didn’t call Carlson repugnant. They do plenty of dumb shit over there, you don’t have to embellish. 

to me, this is the only reason to look at the menu, and I try to do it only when I’m expected to choose the restaurant.

if you are added as an authorized user to someone else’s account, that usually counts on your credit report as “your” open line of credit.