your credit score is not measuring your ability to make decisions, wise or unwise. It’s measuring your ability to take on debt and consistently fufill your payment obligations.
your credit score is not measuring your ability to make decisions, wise or unwise. It’s measuring your ability to take on debt and consistently fufill your payment obligations.
what the fuck planet are you on that it’s the President of the United States’ job to fix global inequality
you’re kind of a dick, eh?
It feels like you responded to the wrong comment here, but ARP2 is exactly right. One of the primary goals of this type of buffoonery from Gaetz is the removal of all value from congressional hearings.
lol i’m not sure you’re quite understanding the power dynamics at work here.
he’s not going to get traded because he’s making like $24 million against the cap this year, and no team would extend him to reduce the cap hit.
You’ve spent most of your replies backtracking from your shitty troll comments - so either the vast majority of shit you said upthread was designed to get a rise out of people, or your current tone of civil discourse is horseshit.
what he meant to say was
i love how in your sick attempt to burn the author here, you came across as a reactionary moron who didn’t even read the article.
lol for a second you almost hid the fact that you’re a piece of shit troll
Yes, Splinter is biased, but even subjectively, Biden did a shit job, let alone objectively.
I don’t understand why they’d care, and I don’t think they do. The post you linked clarified that the “promotion” was deleted.
Sure, it’s low hanging-fruit, but it’s also progress. Sometimes you gotta pick the low branches before you can even see the higher ones.
Your point re: gun control is literally what the administration is doing right now regarding vaping, though.
I think you’re missing the point. The actual comparison here would be when the Tobacco industry was forced to stop using cartoon characters in advertisements, and were no longer allowed to advertise their products on TV and Billboards.
yeah, that dude is going to get PAID
You don’t have to have looked at a calendar for it to be clear you don’t know how they work.
I responded to a post from yesterday, you dingus. Did you not remember that you posted this yesterday?
1. You’re objectively incorrect
No, it's a non veiled allusion to Kotaku outing Pitchford