hebrew hammer

@Odin: I definitely think they earned some trust back when they admitted, in some level of detail, the issues they were coming across with regards to the presale. Certain things, like a $30 charge for DOA, seem to have been rectified because the community came out against it and they listened.

@pagan_god: You present a very interesting analysis.

Blue text at the end was a terrible idea, did they not watch this video before uploading?

@PdxPhoenix: One of the reasons, I wish I could go back.

@USB_Humping_Dog: Completely agree. I jumped to the N1 as soon as it came to AT&T. Now my AT&T contract is almost up, so I'll definitely be looking closely at what HTC puts out as a successor to the EVO or Incredible or N1. I won't stay with AT&T though I don't think.

@Wimblywamblywombly: Clearly this video is what is going to get them some girlfriends...

@hebrew hammer: Nevermind, the site finally worked. They have a mic. I want them now.

I think I've gotten to the point where I won't even consider earbuds without an in-line mic, no matter how stylish they look and how awesome they sound.

Is there a body wrapped in plastic laying next to it? If that's the case, then my answer is no.

I think E would prefer bump, this app is so Murphy Group and people like Vince and Drama would never be able to figure it out.

I've got to wonder if someone tried to explain this to the police, only to be told "Step Back, this is a crime scene. No Questions, no press..."

Bye bye newsrob...

@funkonaut: Man I wish it was 1880 again...

@Michael Interbartolo III: I came across one over the weekend. The reviewer bemoaned the lack of access to the Android market as the biggest downside. I think with Archos building their own App Library to provide relevant apps, it will be fine though.

@blyan-reloaded: Seconded. If this asshat is ok with repeating the phrase to a news coverage team, while grinning from ear to ear, you would think he wouldn't find it all that offensive. Just looking for a payday...

Some lawyer is gonna eat this up and earn 40% commission on some ridiculous trial full of psychiatric witnesses claiming the extreme duress Mr. Perez was under for experiencing that.

There's a Nexus One for that.

@Mark 2000: As an iPhone user, they don't understand that beauty goes beyond how something appears or how it appears to function.

@rock99rock: This is awesome. I like the 2 people walking by @ 2:54 who don't even pay attention to this. Guess this guy has been building up to this for years.

@Gruvnor: It is the same in America where a factory worker makes 10 bucks an hour and has to pay 200 for a good night out at a strip club.