Insurance CEOs gotsta get paid yo!
Insurance CEOs gotsta get paid yo!
There's also the fact that the pesticides are sprayed on the fruit/vegetable. Then washed off in the rain, thereby polluting the water supply. It may not go directly into the food we eat, but it's not disappearing either.
True, I guess what I was getting at when I said nearly worthless was that I would like to see a comparison of the EVO with other "4G" capable phones. I'm pretty sure the only phones capable of what the carriers are calling 4G are the EVO and G2. This does, however, do a fine job of demonstrating the current…
The smartphone test is nearly worthless as they aren't testing similar networks. Would have been nicer to see them compare phones which are on similar networks. I assume that eventually the "4G" phones on AT&T/Verizon would at least be comparable with the EVO (if AT&T stops capping speeds, or whatever they are…
I came to this post to say the exact same thing. beat me to it.
well, they just plug their iphones with the most gee bees into their virus free macbooks and press the sync button. ..
It would be nice to see him unwrap the wrap and re-use it instead of simply crumbling it in his hand, with the next step surely being to trash it.
And they managed to get 60 millions bucks (right amount?) for giving stolen idea to zuckerberg. If i had that kinda money I have no idea how I could ever complain again.
whoops. I obviously meant 23 teams. Thanks.
I guess it's a bit chicken or the egg. Crosby is good, probably the best right now, but to build an entire league around one player is asinine. Only Miami was excited about Lebron James and his shenanigans last summer, I would hate to see the NHL get to the same level. The penguins bring in ratings higher than…
Since I love in Boston now I had to drop $160 for the season to get their games, plus another 90 to hit up one of two games they played here this season. Still worth it though. Black and Orange for life!
Penguins played in 2/4 Winter Classics. There are 33 other teams in the league, plenty of which are in cold enough climates.
Flash may not be the most efficient way to deliver video content or even web pages. Forcing web and graphic designers to switch to a new software means of producing/showcasing their work simply because it is out of date is absurd, especially when the technology exists to allow people to access that work.
I searched "nexus one" (my contract is up and I think I'm gonna run for my life from AT&T) no results. Just this morning I saw more than a few selling on eBay for more than what any new subsidized phone would cost.
Objecting to this commercial gives people a sense of righteousness without actually accomplishing anything substantial in favor of the Tibetan people. This is not to say that I am out there saving them, but I refuse to criticize a commercial for "being in bad taste" when I've purchased plenty of products made in the…
How are you supposed to rage out and flip the board over now?
@justinpe: Leaving porn aside, because well mobile porn is ridiculous, the (initial) rejection of the Mark Fiore app was a perfect example of Apple's insistence that they have control over the content shared on their operating system. This never would have happened on Android.
@justinpe: My understanding, and I could easily be wrong, has been that netflix's drm requirements are preventing it from working on linux and slowing it's development on Android. If I am wrong please correct me.
@justinpe: What's a jailbreak?