
It sounds like American car buyers really like fixed prices, easily searchable inventory, cars that are reasonably inspected, and not haggling with a salesman.

Who in their right mind would buy a brand new Ford anything? Seemingly every single new vehicle they’ve come out with lately has some crippling issue that they need to scramble to save face on.

Dealers being scummy? Well I never!

“No.” - Wealthy people with connections

If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.

Yes, tired of Colorado being a cross section of these people and van-lifers constantly accidentally setting forests on fire or completely destroying natural sites (whether it’s constantly rolling off of mountain trails or overwhelming hiking trails with their dogs shitting everywhere)

A 23 year old and their designer dog drive their overpriced stock SUV/truck to one of the most dangerous trails in the nation and disaster strikes - this is a weekly story at Black Bear by this point.

Ugh! It’s so easy. just tax the rich more. Nevermind that the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes collected. The top 25% pay 85%! Yes, as a percentage of their wealth, they pay less, but that is for the same reason as you or I. I’m “worth” $1.5M but that is in house and 401k. I’m not spending, so no taxes. It’s not that hard

No, I just rent one when I need one. Once or twice a year at most, $19.95/day and $0.50 / km at U-Haul. I get to choose “cargo van or pickup truck” depending on what I need to carry. My average truck bill is ~$200 / year. It makes so much more sense to drive something not-terrible and rent the utility I need, when I

Or the auto companies could build chips, say here maybe? And some more cars while they’re at it. They’ve “maximized profit” to the point that any bottleneck, like chips in this case, can hobble production. That’s smart.

I’ve had my car 14 years at this point (bought new) and it’s beginning to fall apart. I’ve been looking but I don’t think i can justify the pricing I’ve been seeing. Hoping things cool down soon.

My car was crushed by my porch because of Hurricane Ida. So now I have to buy way sooner than I would’ve liked to. On the plus side, my insurance gave me $3000 over what I paid for it 5 years ago.

It’s going to take YEARS for chip production to go back to normal but even then, automakers will REDUCE dealer supply to maximize profit per unit.

I’m waiting impatiently...wanted to get a used vehicle by the end of summer but yea looks like it will be end of next summer if I’m lucky.

My daily (‘03 Focus Wagon, rusting out at the rear) is a constant source of anger, embarrassment, and expense. Upside of the manic used car prices is that it seemed worth my while to try my hand at importing a Toyota Caldina Wagon from Japan to sort of replace it (my job is relocating and I will be able to commute by

Seems like renting one during those handful of times you really need one would be better.

I’ll never understand this. Its like walking around carrying a suitcase everywhere you go, just in case you might need to move something.

You’re definitely not wrong, but short term there’s a long list of idiots right behind you that will be perfectly happy to pay an extra $10k over list for your Bronco.

The desire to be the 1st one on your block to have one is just insane to me. These’ll be like Gladiators in 18 months, dealer lots will be covered in them and the suckers who paid over MSRP (excepting special ed versions like Warthogs and High Plains) will be that much farther underwater on their loans.  I have little

The easiest solution is just to sit out. Say naw, I am buying a Chevy.  People have lost the concept that they only get paid if you play...