
I love footage like this. Reminds me of the show Ultimate Factories.

Great concept, a few funny moments, but overall disappointingly uninteresting.

For those of us who do consulting on the side for extra cash that is reported income (on top of a traditional full-time job), it often works out better to deduct mileage instead of actual expenses - because it's a better deduction until you drive a lot for your own business.

If listening to senseless and constant nagging counts as verbal abuse, then YES.

I used to use Stinger years ago and it worked really well. Then it appeared that McAfee didn't update it for years (literally). Hopefully they'll keep it up to date now.

I've talked my way in to better pricing with:

If the owner installed the remote starter on his own, and if he didn't inform the dealership of the lack of neutral override, then the owner doesn't have much of a case.

Hitman Pro is a great tool to supplement the standard removal tools.

@TRAMS_AM: Thank you for helping me waste more time at work in such an entertaining way!

Not a bad lookin' car; and a very sexy broad.

This is what I'm afraid of with the OnStar system.

Is step seven, "profit"?

Uh, why didn't the cops have the road closed and/or flares and/or warnings, if the rock slide was just around a corner?

Looks like a great place to take a mistress.

This vehicle is eligible for up to $50,000 in Vehicle Purchase Protection.

@dorkstar: So you're saying you'd save the GTs first, and the Enzos second.

I wouldn't really consider the female 'reporter' a co-driver.

It almost looks like the door says Gotham City Police

Would be interested to try it if they have a Blackberry app.