
This is F'ing ridiculous. I don't have a Facebook or Twitter account, nor do I want one for the traditional reasons or to be able to comment here. Forcing people to convert their accounts rubs me the wrong way. How about giving people the option Gawker?

If those guys were the inventors of Facebook, they would have invented Facebook.

This whole conversation is very disappointing to me.

Meh, it's probably just some viral video for sneakers or something.

+2 points for him out-driving his tires and keeping control. -1 for short shifting.

If Proview is going to sue Apple, it should be because their device looks like an old iMac.

I wish America had a Max Schrems.

I believe you are supposed to email them at help@6pm.com just like it says.

I AM one of the office's IT staffers, and this is what I drive.

Pretty cool plane, decent commercial. But a hot chick on a motorcycle = The ultimate hotness.

Somebody was watching the National Geographic channel last night and saw the same show I did about the USS Reagan......

I am considering jailbreaking my 4S solely to be able to use CleverPIN.

I'd like to jump HER!

That last photo must be a mirror image of the original photo; he's sitting on the wrong side of the car!

Believe it or not, there are still areas of the country that running cable lines, and especially fiber, to is cost-prohibited based on lack of population - and thus ROI. I don't disagree that this would have been huge many years ago, but there is still a market for this.

If my calculator is correct, Borders had over 65,000 public IPv4 addresses? That's insane.

Apparently there is a definition of compact that fits here, but not a very well known one.


The company I work for is a large-volume purchaser from Dell, and our Dell rep has been saying the same thing for about a month now. He recommended us to stock up on barebones drives because leadtimes could stretch in to 2-3 months.

Why wasn't RIM included in the class suit?