
I'll take a breast any day ;-)

Taco HTML for the Mac is great, and free.

I am not a fan of this program at all. To me, it's bloated and weighs the system down. And frankly, I don't trust Microsoft enough with the spyware/virus protection of my system.

MS released a patch that will prevent Automatic Updates from downloading IE7 on your machine.

I think running a person's credit to determine theit qualification for a job is insulting. I know that employers say that it helps them predict how much of a honest and diligent worker you will be, but I don't think this justifies it.

The things you can't sell on eBay are easily sold on craigslist/org with a well-written ad with many pictures.


Fetch works well for FTP, and Fugu for SFTP.

I saw this about a week ago, and I've been trying it at work. My building is only 4 floors, but the elevator TAKES FOREVER. I have no problem skipping the second or third floors, but it's an Easterrn elevator and I'm not sure this hack works with it. I've tried it, but just like a previous commenter said, how do

I switched to Apple about a year ago, and I thought I'd have trouble finding the software I needed. I've been pleasantly surprised to find that I have been able to find everything I need. In most cases, I've been able to find freeware that suits me. And as Apples get more popular, there will be more software

Here's mine.

Oh, except for the scorpion that stung me.

I honeymooned in Belize a couple weeks ago at two VERY lovely hotels. We saved a couple grand by going in their off-season. It was also much less crowded and we had very detailed personalized service. It wasn't planned that way, but it worked out well.

I have a Facebook account since I work at a university. When they changed their policy to require full DOBs, I was put off by that. I asked their support team why they needed that information and the answer I got was baiscally, 'identity security'.

Thanks for making this clear, although I kinda already assumed it. It's obvious that LH is run by savy, ethical and honest people, and I would be extremely surprised if there were any mal-intentions. If something were to happen that an honest mistake was made and something with malware slipped through, then LH is

Not to thread-jack, but I have a question about multiple iPhoto libraries. I learned here that holding OPTION on my Mac while clicking iPhoto will allow me to choose or create photo libraries. At this point, I have one large library, and I want to split it up to take advantage of this feature. Whats the best way to

@Nemo Fairbrother:

Does anyone know of any forums or resources that discuss what x86 hardware plays well with OS X? Meaning, if someone wanted to buy the retail OS X and install it in to a homebuilt machine, what hardware sets up easiest?