
I was expecting a whole lot more from this link. I was already quite familiar with WHOIS lookups, but this didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. Yeah, so you can find out where the spam came from, but this touted finding out WHO the spam came from.

3 weeks? I work at a major public university in Philadelphia, and we started on 8/28.

The Do Not Call registry only applies to companies that don't already have you as a customer. For example, your cable company has full legal right to call and harass you all the want.

BTW, the 'click-n-hold' to get the contextual menu in Firefox also works in Thunderbird.

Even though most of the computers I use at work are PCs, I switched my personal computer at home to a Mac about 8 months ago. I should have done it sooner!

C'mon, isn't anyone gonna post links to downloadable ringtones of sneezing or coughing. I'd put that on my phone in a heartbeat. OH! How 'bout a sound of a heart beating?.....

web siting?

Since the question is "What websites have changed your world?", I'll answer with a list (not in importance order):

Suze Orman is a financial advisor that makes a lot of sense to me. She sells a software package that asks you simple questions and fills in the blanks for many important legal documents.

I am fortunate that my dad found a great local mechanic, and I now use him. Our family has been getting great service from him for about 10 years. He has been so honest and trustworthy; he even has not charged us for jobs in which he didn't fix the problem immediately. One time that totalled $700!

Whenever talking about storing valuables or documents in a safe, it is VERY important to have a water and fire proof safe. No, they are not synonymous. If you just have a fire proof safe, that's OK, but what happens when the fire department arrives at your house??

I work in a university's computer Help Desk, and I have experienced pretty much every scenario described above.


Bravo, my good man. Bravo!

Would it be wrong to photocopy someone else's passport and put my picture on it?

I am a Vonage customer and things are good. I followed their instructions for disconnecting my home's wiring from Verizon's landline so that way I could plug the VoIP adapter in to my entire phone line network in my house. I plugged the output of the adapter in to one of the regular phone jacks in the house, and all

Suze Orman is a financial advisor that talks about tactics that just make sense. I'm a big fan of hers, and I know Dave Ramsey. They have similar approaches, so if you like one, you'll likely like the other.

I have Vonage, and I've never had a problem calling systems that identify the calling number.

I had to call AOL to cancel an account, and it turned out to be right before that recorded phone call by the guy came out. However, I already knew it would be a difficult task. So I thought, plotted and schemed, and the idea I came up with worked pretty well.

The big factor is what the device fell in to. The only shot you have is if it fell in water. Juice, soda, coffee, etc? Fuhgettaboutit.