plights & gripes as bad as achilles

As a Muslim American who spent the night consoling friends and family members, please, do not be jaded. As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s literally my only request. Because jadedness lends itself to apathy, and if there were ever a time to actually care about anything, it’s now, facing a clown president and a fascist

Ooooh, look everybody, found the vegan.

Are you drunk?

McCourty is a smart dude (and a fellow Rutgers alum.)

...both for “shitsnorting Goebbels wannabes,” which is a perfect description of Breitbart if ever I’ve seen one, and because “take a different tact” and “the tenants of [belief system]” are the twin banes of my existence. I will grit my teeth and suffer through “illicit a response,” “flaunt the rules,” and “for all

They should make an award for MVP of Intangibles. It would be made of air, and players would “receive” it by miming.

“Ain’t no Viet Cong ever called me a n*gger.”

Couldn’t get “stupid horse in a recliner” to load.

Suspecting it looked something like this?

“a more enjoyable casual watch”

Jesus fucking christ, “finish the abortion”? He’s a BABY. He was born ALIVE. And I am 1,000% pro-choice. But once you are born and viable, you are your own person with the right to a shot at life. My best friend has a 5 year old who was born at 26 weeks and weighed 1.5 pounds. He’s a fucking miracle. Shame on you.

Why would they resuscitate it? Are you fucking kidding?

In 35 years you’ll be grateful for any new car your unfortunate children buy for you as you sit in your bunker oiling your firearms.

The French have quite a bit more experience with bombs going off in their streets than the Americans. The Americans would have just dismissed the gunfire as some daily poor on poor violence.

Yeah, that was my reading. I’m just trying to be generous... for... reasons?

I took my first trip to NYC in the Spring and complained about this very ad! The same storage company had one I’m trying to remember, but it def. referenced men dressing in women’s clothing in a way that made me question what they were implying...

Hey man, don’t put how shitty Dallas is on the rest of Texas. They’re basically a part of Oklahoma

I would just like to add that the people who are saying that Baseball is too long and/or boring are:

I think a lot of adult conversations are the same ones we had as fourth-graders, just longer and more nuanced.