heaving brown

piracy is never a reason for lower sales. I firmly believe that people who pirate on console is a very tiny, tiny %

I just can’t justify $60 for a game that beats you in the face with microtransactions and doesn’t have dedicated servers... what a shame.

That seems to be the go-to method for edgelords:

I mean, it looks like someone in the style of Archer but doesn’t really look like Archer at all...

ZeniMax Media was founded in May 1999[11] by Bethesda Softworks founder Christopher Weaver and Robert A. Altman.[12][13] ZeniMax was established as a successor company to Media Technology, Bethesda’s parent company at the time.

Jesus, Zenimax should sell Bethesda so they cant touch this brand anymore, just a disgusting company thrusting around like they own everything even words.

You were too old the moment you became unable to reconcile history that exists in living fucking memory with the present administration’s tactics--and our electorate’s willingness to accept it.

Apathy seated itself as the death of voter investiture years ago; now, it’s clambered onto the throne of the death of logic,

Ethan, it’s very important to not fall victim to false equivalency during these exceptional times. Yes, people in politics lie a lot. Yes, press secretaries often play fast and loose with facts to make their boss look good. This incident, however, is a special type of egregious. First off, the subject is so irrelevant

Seeing the lineup makes me genuinely sad about the Wii U.

Nintendo and has solidified my theory that they are a company full of brilliant artists, designers and technicians that, at some point, got infiltrated by a mob of brain-damaged, glue-eating lemurs that somehow got entrusted with 50% of the company’s decision making.

Give me Metroid.

Their TMNT game had much worse problems than that.

Sexual assault isn’t suddenly funny because it happens to someone you don’t like (and/or in prison).

My internal reasoning would be that there’s typically been 3 indie games being released to each AAA game. Condensing the indie genre down to 12, plus sharing it with AAA, sort of bottle necks the number of possible candidates.

He probably deleted it because he was getting death threats.

It seems the Nazi “Alt” right are the ones in actual need of safespaces and whose feelings are easily hurt.