heaving brown

…why would the amazon listing of the book include the word "wheelchair" even if that detail was in it?

That's an interesting fact I wasn't aware of. Abstractly, I get why they cast her, but it still felt untrue to the character.

I really hated this episode. The fact that they thought they needed to cast an extremely effeminate boy - one who couldn't look further than what someone like Jeffrey Tambor would've looked like as a child - to play young Maura is insulting to the both the viewer and the character.

you say that like people's opinions of her weren't made until the general election. whether the rightwing smear of her is true or not is irrelevant - doesn't change the fact that she was perceived negatively and therefore: a bad candidate.

what a scathing indictment

I've never been a particular fan of MacDonald, but I picked up the audiobook based on a handful of recommendations, and I loved it. I was confounded by how good a writer it turns out he is.

Jim absolutely is a punk director, though I guess if your only descriptor of the genre is "raw power" then I can see why you might not realize it. He actually emerged from the NY no wave/post-punk scene in the 80s and even played in a well regarded band called the Del Byzanteens that played at NY punk/post-punk

hard pass

what is it about Hamilton that makes the worst, most boring people love it so much?

Steve Little, you're better than this

hell yeah, Blevins is a foot man

I could've sworn it was announced as an anthology

I'm not communicating anything close to "Ha, boy, you sure are still talking to me!" Pretending someone's argument is nothing more than infantile antagonism is the laziest debate tactic on the planet.

I like you. I like that you have nothing better to do that to be very mad about pixel art and the definition of the word "sputter." Keep up the good work!!

Sputtering about how "not mad" you are is very convincing

Happy to clarify: my point was, the idea of people like you taking personal offense whenever a game is released that doesn't cater specifically to you is funny to me.

I understood you. Your opinions on pixel art - that it doesn't suite some games, and is often implemented poorly - are aesthetic ones. A lot of people like the way Rogue Legacy looks, and think Dust: An Elysian Tale is ugly, for example. The point being, aesthetic value isn't decided by what art style a game takes.

who cares

all kinds of games, with all kinds of aesthetics, come out every week. Seriously, who gives a shit if someone makes a game using an aesthetic you don't care for? Most retro-inspired games have zero appeal to me, but I cant imagine whining on the internet about there existence. I get why they exist, and I don't

No, I mean you