heaving brown

My absolute favorite thing about "pixel-based retro platformers" is that they make people like you so sputteringly angry

I love it when bands "jam on music"

Congrats to Milo - this article is probably the first time most people reading it have ever heard of him.

"protopunk" refers to music that existed as a precursor to punk. Suicide existed adjacent to punk, so the label doesn't really fit.

this gives me an idea - what if there was some sort of, i dunno, database or something, and it was, like, on the internet? and you could look up actors and directors and stuff like that on it. you and i should make that

It's actually the textbook definition of mediocre. I literally have the actual texbook in front of me. Oh. Oh wow - I'm looking at it now, and under "incorrect pedant" is a (really nice, I'll admit) picture of you! Kudos.

"good" is pretty generous. It's not bad.

you move on with YOUR life. I'm still right, btw - it's shitty to take over the twitter of a band you are in with other people to peddle your doomed to fail stand up career.

you convinced me. his shitty twitter is actually good

From the look of this comment you just made it looks like you're not very good at making comments.

doesn't change the fact that she's the co-founder of the band and is a co-writer of songs. Nice job deflecting your sexism though. Asshole.

the lesson is try, realize how terrible you are, and stop.

he and the bass player started the band together and co-write songs. She's just a girl though, so you're totally right. Thanks for the correction!

The singer's recent attempts at stand up are pretty embarrassing. He hijacked the band's twitter account and turned it in to his own shitty joke repository.

I would hate to think they're friends. Thankfully, they're definitely not.

My favorite joke of hers was when she tweeted that liking Mad Max: Fury Road meant that you had to like Hillary Clinton too. And then deleted the tweet a day later. Really good joke.

ha ha. because they are nerds, they have not been intercoursed. I get this joke!

EDM doesn't mean what you think it means.

Trying to figure out if you don't understand what stock photos are, or what Flickr is. Maybe both?

Vidya game??? I AM BAFFLED.