heaving brown

ah, cool. For some reason I thought this was the last season

she was pretty funny in margot at the wedding

"emerging as a leaner, more focused show heading into its final 13 episodes"

wanted to like this show more than I actually did. the plot structure and jokes were pretty pedestrian and didn't live up to her stand up. hope the second season is better

C- C- Dowd

yeah, ding dong, that's what I said. they never stopped releasing albums on vinyl, but now they're going to do it with a plant they own themselves. go find something else to be mad and wrong about.

"hardass americana"?? what movie did you watch

sony and its subsidiaries never stopped pressing certain albums on vinyl - I guess the story here is that they're opening their own sony-owned plant?

yeah, same here

the show is bad, unfortunately. Showtime's original content game is not on point, I'm finding. I wanted to watch the new twin peaks legit-style so I added it to my hulu sub, but there's not much else to pick through. I've heard mixed things about guerilla, I'll give that one a shot next.


triggered, bitch?

I think the digital version of the Switch release is also $30 - the physical copy is $40.

clue had three different endings. that means its actually three different movies

what the fuck does "he can make two great films at the same time" mean?

deray sucks ass

…I'm pretty disconnected from that sphere of pop culture, but isn't Kendall directly related to the Kardashians? How does that make her a "former Kardashian hanger-on"?

holy hell Teti is a sphincter-clenching void of charisma. why would he want to be in front of a camera??? why would anyone else want to put him in front of a camera???

I really want to watch a show about Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, but I think Ryan Murphy is a hack who's style gives me hives. I guess I'll give it a shot and see how shitty it is.

100% Silk is the name of the record label that threw the event, not the "club." Go back to bed, grandpa.