heaving brown

My interest in his work diminished a bit after his unequivocally mediocre sketch show, but I'm still looking forward to watching this…

They're almost as obnoxious as the dudes who aggressively argue that the only reason to dislike Clinton is her gender.

That is the correct link, you goon. How could you not know that?! I'm going to hunt you down and find where you live so I can crawl through your window and share this wonderful documentary series with you because I think you'd enjoy it and it's something of a cultural touchstone that you should at least be familiar

Nah, let's continue to click on Star Wars links and complain about them.

You mean your reading comprehension skills are so bad you don't understand that it wasn't a change.org petition?

her nipples secrete hair glue


Ha ha! Great comment! Thanks for contributing.

Calm down. Breathe. Learn how absurd you look telling other people to calm down and breathe when you're the one having a temper tantrum about internet comments.

I like you

What's really strange is how you've somehow interpreted the smaller number of posts I've made in comparison to you as "twice as much." Even if I HAD posted more (which, again, I haven't) I was more making a comment on your intensity of tone rather than volume of posts. Anyway, glad to see you've found something to

and it was mostly info leaded by the interrogators. You seem pretty invested in this, btw. You doing ok? If this is a cry for help, the AV Club comment section is probably not the right place to do it.

I pirated the show because there was no Yahoo Screen app available for any of the several devices connected to my TV. Though from what I've heard, the app barely worked in the first place. Seems apparent they should've stepped up their content delivery if they wanted to be content creators.

Wow. Inane.

…says the guy incapable of registering the irony in my comment.

If only there were some sort of… I don't know… You could call it a "Looking Machine" maybe… that could be used to find words and phrases on the internet. Unfortunately, we have to rely on asking poorly worded questions in the comment sections of articles. It's fun to dream, though!

What kind of drooling idiot dumbfuck inbred moron accuses people who watch "television" of being drooling idiot dumbfuck inbred morons?

…pretty sure the 4 hour interrogation was the first one. The show showed the press conference about it before it showed the footage, though.

"A complete failure of the system is ok because I don't like the guy it happened to."

No, it doesn't