
If he doesn’t want to get hit in the head, maybe he shouldn’t wear a helmet. He’s just asking for it when he’s dressed like that.

Trainer: What’s your name?

It’s a 10 year old Jeep Grand Cherokee charging a new Note 7. Even odds either could have caused the fire.

This where I shamelessly mention that the original Number One returns in my latest Trek novel. (Yep, that’s her on the cover, next to Kirk and Spock.) She’s also appeared in the numerous other STAR TREK novels and comic books, despite making only one appearance on the show.

No, Michael Bay only has a producer credit.

6 years old. Immense pain from a broken bone. Better fucking walk you weak little bitch.....

I had the macarena going through my head. Heeeey aquila!

“Pistachios join chocolate, red wine, IPAs, salmon, coffee, almonds, and so much more on the list of foods that are going to get harder to come by in our hotter and drier world. “

Now playing

The plan to create human slaves in an Insect Nation?

I’ve got over 1000 hours in Destiny, and still love it, and I’m super hyped about Rise of Iron.

Accessibility is advancement.

Satellite launches are heavily insured for this exact reason.

He drugged her and raped her, took videos and pictures which she found out about, and then she went out with him again? What the hell is wrong with this girl?

Does cat burglery count?

Owwy kabootles indeed.


yup. really shit post