
sigh. i had my favorite chinese place never show up, like op, and when i finally called they just explained they couldnt find my house. not “were looking and we can’t find it”, more “oh you? from an hour and a half ago? yea, we tried to deliver but it didnt work out.” wtf.

you did make it clear. reading is fundamental.

no one said “wear the pants” except u/ladyology. u/mazzied was comparing the choice of a pair of pants to a dress and stating both were feminist choices if the woman chose it for herself.

no, s/he literally said “wear pants” versus “wear a dress”, to reference that either is good so long as its an empowered choice.

i thought so, too. it seems so awful to advocate death, but this dog would almost certainly never have another home, or one he would be ok in. instead he had all the sadness and terror of being abandoned by the people he loves, to live out a lonely and uncertain fate. theres a good chance the shelter would put him

awe, you outed yourself as one of them. is there room in your world for people who aren’t your strawman “feminists”, who enjoy sex and getting dirty and having fun, but would rather a kick to the cunt than any kind of sexual congress with these obnoxious children?


so you accuse someone else of being “fucking clairvoyant” for making an assumption about a forcible sexual encounter, and yet you’re comfortable asserting what exactly this guy did or didn’t do? paul, is that you?

weird, the awkward youthful encounters i can recall involve myself or the person hitting on me making a move, myself or the other person not being keen on physical developments, and intense embarrassment on the part of both friendly parties. making a move that doesnt land for most people ends in awkward embarrassment

what? he voluntary got into a ring with a huge, wounded and angry animal and proceeded to engage in torturing it to death for his own glory. the cruelty meted out on this innocent animal (hugely one-sided and unfair for the bull, at that, as the odds are stacked to ensure the bull just suffers and suffers and dies,


i’ve heard people have issues with the phenol in carmex but its always been amazing for me. like, slavishly using chapstick or blistex for days, then put carmex on overnight and a complete turn around by morning. i guess mileages may vary..

my terribly dry lips, habit of biting and licking them, and alberta winters combined means i have tonnnnnes of experience with horribly chapped lips. my solution was to exfoliate my lips gently the best i could to get rid of as much of the dead skin as i comfortably could, then heap on the carmex overnight. works like

i literally put a shot glass away with those exact words on it this evening. roommates.

super family-specific, but for the sake of the subject: four kids in a car, all under ten. older brother proudly crafts an origami change purse for younger brother. younger brother grows tired of possessing said purse so, not wanting to be rude, complains that he likes it but its "giving him a headache". we use that

man, i'm 28 and its only just recently occurred to me that i dont hate what i see in the mirror anymore. id gained a lot of weight over a decade of just getting into an unhealthy lifestyle and being depressed/anxious, and always disliked my body but assumed i'd get my shit together and change it soon. until then,

"My dad is constantly making judgements about women's bodies, as if just by going out in public they're participating in a beauty pageant with him as the judge. Like they exist for his looking pleasure?"

i call them baby tastebuds. its pretty funny cos dudes ive cooked with have often been keener to try new things when their steadfast refusal to try new things is jokingly referred to as baby-like.

yea kind of agree. totally 100% think that this woman shouldnt have to give up on sex just because the man she married got ill. sex is an important part, but only one part of life, and him not being into/up to it shouldnt have to negate their entire relationship - especially if the solution is something as simple as