
Just kill me.......I can’t even handle this........

What in the actual fack? If your goal was to irritate everyone, (because it seems no one knows who they are) you win!

What a horrible story, poor confused little girl, sick fucked up man and an idiot cop who finds it necessary to mention unnecessary information.....you know so you don’t feel to bad for the victim. SMH....This world :(

I promise you there is literally nothing to be scared of. I was given a pill to soften my cervix the morning of and it was no more invasive or uncomfortable than a pap smear. In and out of the office in 10 minutes.

I am on my 2nd mirena (I got my first 8 yrs ago right after I had my daughter). I think they are amazing! I get the lightest period for a day or 2 but some months nothing at all. No cramps, no back pain......nothing! I know everyone is different but this thing changed my life. I might even get a minera tattoo ;) I had