
As human beings we have to grapple with the fact that many males are attracted to and enjoy child pornography. The numbers are high - likely much higher than we know. As the security gets more sophisticated so does the making and distribution of this stuff. From the little that I have read it appears that up to this

The greater crime is that the same person has slipped by TSA and gate agents MULTIPLE TIMES, including an international flight where you need a passport check at least once.

My name is also the name of city (but also a very traditional name, and I’m nearly 30, so way before the city as a name trend). Please for the love of all things holy DO NOT NAME YOUR CHILDREN AFTER PLACES. You do not know what will happen in their lives and I can promise you from experience being known as Baltimore

Yeah, I feel like this name would be really confusing on, say, and Amtrak ticket from NYC to Chicago.

I think he must really love suburbs.

That’s like two of his kid’s names right there.

Given the response from these organizations it seems more likely (IMO), that Larry is one among many predators within these organizations. Fear of liability may have been one among many considerations not to exclude the real possibility that he is just one of several other scumbags preying on these young women. I say

The thing I find so confounding about the complicity of USAG/MSU/USOC is... why? Once the allegations started to surface, why keep him? Did this shitstain appear to offer anything special? Did he seem to possess unique skills above and beyond the average sports medicine practitioner? Or was it really just the purely

Just going to point out that I got a mass email from Lou Ann Simon on 12/15/17 that contained this sentance:

I had a long diatribe, but I deleted it for it being too wordy. I’ll leave this:

I live in Pennsylvania. When I wanted to volunteer at my kids’ schools, I had to take a three hour mandatory training on spotting grooming, sexual abuse, and what to do if you even think its happening.

MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.

Yeah, I mean he’s not even asking if she was raped or assaulted. Just whether she ever “felt uncomfortable.” If you’re familiar with how she started out in the business, it’s a preposterous question. Then he’s like “Why are you laughing?”

Sharon Stone is a gift we don’t deserve. That cozy sweater, on the other hand, is a gift I do deserve.

In one episode of their show, Leah Remini and Mike Rinder exposed how CoS had paid a woman who worked as a housekeeper for a Scientology critic—someone they had interviewed for the show—to tell lies about her. They made a whole website slandering her. And they have done MUCH worse than that; a journalist was almost

Even if COS did not do this, one would have to be out to lunch to believe they *wouldn’t* do this.

Echoing that COS would ABSOLUTELY pull this shit.

I would put absolutely nothing past the cult of scientology. From covering up accusations of rape to protect members like Danny Masterson to the possibility of making false accusations of rape to punish former members; these fuckers are not to be trusted.

They’ll stalk, harass and threaten former members. They’re tax exempt pretty much because the IRS didn’t want to deal with them. So yeah, this is something they’d absolutely do if they possibly could.