DeltaEchoBravo: FuckCancerGirl’s Secret Identity

I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.

In fairness, the JLo green dress was done a few years after he died.

It was the time period—he did this really lavish patterened stuff that for some reason rang a bell in the culture, along with being one of the first modern designers to really do the entire lifestyle ethos thing—dishes, linens, furniture,etc. He made the clothes seem much less bizarre than they were because everything


I honestly never got the appeal of The Office. I never found cringe comedy entertaining. In fact, the Office being more popular than Parks and Rec leaves me looking like this:

Whatever, you guys still have Max on board! He’ll be able document everything with his tiny camera even though there is a fullblown camera crew right the fuck there.

I dōn’t sēē whāt thē prōblēm īs?

I thought “Liv Chu-Ouellett” was a really cute name, but now I’m really disappointed that her name isn’t “Little Live Cthulhu.”

nah, Ellen and Keiko would work fine—just cast all the other parts with equally short actors, and build sets that are 86% the size of a normal hockey rink. problem solved, plus a bonus of more parts for shorter actors!

That’s why I said a fitting sequel. I don’t recognize those movies because they’re wretched.

Julie Chu will obviously be played by Emma Stone.

Finally, the world gets a fitting sequel to The Cutting Edge.

little Liv Chu-Ouellett

And there’s a homeschool fundie vibe.

Right? Like, I know NOTHING about ranching but there would be no way (if money were tight or even just if she just had like, normal people money issues) she would have had the time to dedicate to the blog/do all the giveways/dress as she did. She’d have to be out there working.

Oh man, the days of indoor smoking. Those were good times. Unhealthy af, but good times.

I even took orders, the smokers loved me. I was really young and now I feel kind of bad about it, it wasn’t really a good deed.

This exactly. It’s part of their earnings IMO. And they can choose to keep it or sell it. I’ll sell anything on eBay that isn’t nailed down so I’m not knocking anybody’s hustle.

Yep. If it’s yours free and clear and especially if it was an unsolicited gift, then eBay away, my friends.

Somewhat related, I inherited a hoarder’s house and am going to sell off tons of this shit. I technically got it all for free. And I don’t feel bad at all because the money I make is my payment for having to dig through a hoarder’s.. hoard or whatever. It’s been almost two months and I’m maybe halfway through if I