DeltaEchoBravo: FuckCancerGirl’s Secret Identity

I can’t speak for everyone at the A.V. Club, but I’m sorry about all of those times I broke into your home and made you listen to me tell you what products are bad.

Best moviegoing decision I made this year was ponying up to see it in IMAX 3D. It was a Fathom Events thing, which I usually hate, but it was well worth it in this case.

What about Turner and Hooch 2: A Turner of Phrase?!

My favorite thing about vegans is that apparently soil biota beyond the plants themselves don’t count for shit. It’s always about animal rights but never about improved conservation agriculture practices, or, you know, protecting those couple inches of topsoil that are keeping all of us alive...

You and I both know he just forgot that part.

Peacocks are at least visually appealing, and most likely, marginally more intelligent.

Now I really want to rewatch that episode especially

Fleabag has so much heat on it that sometimes I’d remind myself mid-episode that “Oh yeah, that’s Oscar winner Olivia Coleman just having fun in the background of this show.”

How dare you terrible fucking monsters include the absolutely deserving masterpiece that is Fleabag on this list (that last shot of the S2 finale broke my heart), but not mention the completely perfect in every way Olivia Colman. How DARE you. The master of passive-aggressive shittiness, so wantonly cast aside.

When Hereditary ended, my friend and I were wrung out. She said “Well, that’s something I’m going to go home and think about. For the rest of my life”. Which I thought was the perfect reaction. It’s so interesting to me that a lot of people it just didn’t work for at all - they were bored. A lot of people thought it

I always appreciate that about lists like this.  I am fully aware that there is a Marvel movie coming out every other month.  I’m not aware of all of these movies so gives me something I may have otherwise missed.  

Truly, that is the mission of most film critics. Not to talk about the things they genuinely like, but to appear smart by subsuming their secret love of Detective Pikachu.

2 more reasons this worked out so well: the catcher got into great position to make the play and Oakland has enough foul territory to add a 9 hole golf course.

That throw reminds me of my Little League career. “Not a backstop in town can hold him”, they said.

I’d be suspicious of anyone traveling to Colorado who’s first in-state purchase is a weapon, rather than cannabis (like a normal person). 4/20 is an important day for non-Columbine (or Hitlery) reasons.

I was disappointed that we actually had Jorah Mormont and Lyanna Mormont in one place, in one episode and we got... nothing. Come on! Are you telling me Lyanna doesn’t have any snide, cutting remark for the long-lost disgraced cousin that she’s never known? Does she not feel the need to smack him around a little and

But we currently inhabit the world where servers and other folks are not paid a decent wage, so...tip.

I told my family we were changing our cat’s name. He’s a double for Goose.