DeltaEchoBravo: FuckCancerGirl’s Secret Identity

We have a mud room. Dragons are messy. 

Oooooooooh. A Great Room. Zod is fancy. :)

The only reason I know this is because my FIL loved instant mashed potatoes (maybe it was a being in the service thing. He was in WW2 with the Royal Canadian Air Force; they got lots of powdered food: Milk, eggs, potatoes...). ANYWAY, if the potatoes are runny, she’s unfortunately preparing them incorrectly. When my

I’ll pray for you. 

YES! Everybody wins. MIL gets her boot leather, and Zod gets his lovely medium rare.


I don’t know what 1k status is, but apparently it turns one into an aviation unicorn :)

(I spent all day at this gate), they (Delta) brought in pizza and soda and water for all of us and it was nice


It was blogger night or something. And it was magical. 

And he won! Imagine our surprise. Winky face.


I think you’ve cracked it. 

Unless you’re biting the heads off live chickens at the table, nobody should say word one to you about what you choose to eat or why. It doesn’t even matter that you have a medical issue; your personal taste and what you like is nobody else’s fucking business.

You will not be disappointed. SUCH a trashy mess. And I love Dallas Roberts, so that may be affecting my judgment, but am I bothered? No.

I just spent all morning watching that. WORTH IT. 

Awwww, I miss Movies of the Week. Life before you could watch content on a chip imbedded in your forearm.

And sounds like Miley Cyrus. Almost as if she, too, discovered the Disney Girl vocal training technique of cigarettes and bourbon.

Seriously? That’s so cool!