Yes! I just substitute exactly what the recipe calls for in lobster with imitation crab and it’s go time. It’s delicious. I live on the Canadian prairie, so it’s as close to a real lobster roll as I’m going to get without bankrupting the family.
Yes! I just substitute exactly what the recipe calls for in lobster with imitation crab and it’s go time. It’s delicious. I live on the Canadian prairie, so it’s as close to a real lobster roll as I’m going to get without bankrupting the family.
You’re mean.
It’s the same at my house, friend. The only ones who win in this situation are the fruit flies.
Me too! I also know I’ll be going by myself, because even though I’ve gone to every Transformers/G.I. Joe/Pokémon/DigiWhatever film that my family has demanded, they will not be returning the favour. Oh no. My boys. Pfft.
I read the books and they are ridiculously fun. I am so looking forward to going to a movie that isn’t dependent on CGI, explosions, car chases, motion capture, shoot-em-ups, time travel or aliens to be entertaining. Don’t get me wrong; I love me a Marvel/JurassicWorld/Star Wars blockbuster as much as the next girl,…
Canada, or at least my part of it, doesn’t have Trader Joe’s.
Heh. As a teenager in the 80’s, everyone I knew had A&W root beer mugs. From their parents stealing them in the 70s. The ‘baby’ mugs were the cutest.
My grandparents would take us to the one in the town I grew up in. It was pretty great. Root beer in frosty glasses. Gramma and grampa. Treats. Pretty idyllic, really.
Yes! The town I grew up in, lo, a hundred and eight years ago, had an A&W drive-in. It’s deserted now and all sad.
When a friend of mine was pregnant, she posted, “This morning, on the bus, someone had an A&W bacon and egger. Now I know how Edward felt every time Bella got a paper cut.”
The only argument I have with your statement is I find the onion rings way too salty. Aside from that, you speak the God’s honest truth.
That’s just... gross.
Whyfor did I click that? Ew.
I generally have a hate on when people say shit like, “If that were me, I would have...” or “If I’d been there, I’d have done X...” because it’s usually some bullshit imaginary superheroic version of themselves doing some impossible thing. Like, fuck off. That would never happen.
“Let me up.”
Fuck cancer.
You and I must be cave-adjacent. I’ve never heard it, either. The CD in my car right now is the soundtrack to ‘Sing.’
“I will wait on the porch swing. Like a man.”
I’m guessing sneakers, “Run like thunder, thunder...”
It DOES make it better!