heart like a fridge

If anyone can save this property, Hawley's a pretty good bet. But part of me just wanted Marvel to get Doom and set him up as the heavy of the next phase. Don't screw it up, this time!

In the Storm of Bones you either win or you die…but either way you get a cool name!

It looks like bad news for the…Imp Sons Family. Heh heh.

That's a pretty daunting task…and the producers weren't up to it.

This title is misleading…it's not actually ground, it's more of a steel grating that allows materials to sluice through it so they can be collected and exported.

They should have delayed this show until they could have acquired the Harry S. Truman wax figure and had him be the boss of the competing criminal empire. Just ADR him saying "If you can't stand the heat…get outta the Ozarks!"

If this show bombs, he's next in line to takeover Inhumans!

"Remember, there's always money in the banana stand…in the Ozarks!"

I forgot this was still on. My only hope is they have an episode where they run into the Inhumans cast filming next to them on the island and both casts have a good, healthy cry about their shows.

You just have to watch the movie in the correct order and use the emotional ability from each scene to get through the next scene.

Let's not Beat this down before it even comes out.

Outline: Mega Man receives a series of Facebook messages from an attractive Mega Woman, rides Rush several hours to her home to find out it's been Cut Man all along, who was too shy to tell Mega Man how he truly felt about him.

You Got…Internet Deception!

"It turns out that the brachiosaurus would tie its neck around the throat of larger predators and kill them by crushing their windpipes. Also, they could fly!"

Next you're going to tell me that velociraptors were actually the size of large chickens and not the size of LeBron James. Pffft.

"The Snowman was a Woman!"

A Big Dog shirt and Zubaz pants was pretty much formal wear growing up in Wisconsin in the '90s.

(Lana Del Rey cover of Frosty plays)
"Was Alive As He Could Be"
(Cut to pile of dead bodies)
Fassbender: What kind of sick person could do this?
"A Jolly Old Soul Was He"

It does seem a little sexist to presume that women are more prone to falling.

- JK, I love you, but what is that accent?