Hearthatvoiceagain hates the new layout

This, especially the reasons given, makes no sense. Nokia failed and had to go cap in hand to Microsoft BECAUSE their OS was non competitive and lacked developer support. For Motorola to think that their own OS would get more support then the worlds No. 1 Mobile OS is crazy

personally I use uk.gizmodo.com. I was just taking a pop at the new layout.

If it has a feature that allows it to access old layout Gizmodo (as pictured) I'm sure it will be very popular.

You sir/madam/other win the "appropriate film quote of the week" award. This is especially true as SJ looks more like Gollum every time I see him.

Then don't. None of these phones force you to use 3D for everyday tasks. AFAIK they only use it for games, pictures & video that are designed to work in 3D.

Your argument would be a lot stronger if Apple had ever shown itself as a respecter of other peoples trademarks ie their own name and iPhone both of which belonged to others.

You forgot that if this is an in app purchase there's 30% Apple tax so 60c is going to them.

When Steve "I AM THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY AND I CREATED EVERYTHING" Jobs mentioned that there was a porn store on Android Mikandi got 10,000 downloads in 12 hours that day. This extra publicity will probably do the same for them.

It is a pity you have gone, so probably won't see this response. I agree with pretty much all you said and have thought about leaving too. Mostly it's hope that things will get better that keeps me here. But that hope is dying.

Don't be silly. It's perfectly OK for Giz to talk about other ads being annoying, but their ads are "magical" and "unique" and more importantly pay their wages. Like all other parts of the new layout don't expect them to go away soon or indeed ever.

Could do with some more info here Kat.

More to the point is this really worse than the way companies usually sell stuff at tech shows, by filling their booths with attractive young ladies in skimpy outfits. While I appreciate the eye candy and the girls I'm sure are happy of the work there is something about the "sex object" method of selling that demeans

Some thoughts on the above.

@NorthernRoamer: Please don't make the mistake of thinking that anything that Sam says has any value, he's just trolling for pageviews. Look at his stupid comments about 3D phones, where he can't be consistent for a couple of paragraphs.

"I'm just going to watch this video of Kristen fragging herself, over and over and over and over and over."

There seem to be an awful lot of crap add ons for the iPhone/iPad. It's as if the makers of this crap have some sort of foreknowledge that owners of these products have more money then sense. Spooky !!!


Wouldn't you be better off getting a Ferguson climbers knife then a Wenger one. You'll be more likely to reach the summit. REPEATEDLY.

@darkstar516: Tthank you for your effort (in reposting a link) but it appears you need to have the Amazon App store app installed and be signed in to it (which we cant do outside the US) or the App will not open.