Hearthatvoiceagain hates the new layout

@BergenCountyJC is rocking in the free world: at a guess this was set up in advance and the shuttle outline drawn on the car park, but more people turned up then was expected so it was decided to put them in a circle.

@Monty: Latest evidence shows it was your flatulence that caused the earthquake.

@Bull Shirt: Have you considered doing the human race a favour and giving them cyanide instead?

American news networks aren't going to let a simple thing like the truth get in the way of attention grabbing headlines. American people aren't going to let a simple thing like thinking for themselves (or indeed at all) stop them from entering a hysterical state.

Impressive, I assume from the picture zoom method he uses to switch cities he actually visited them in the reverse of the order shown.

Wow 8 seconds, can others confirm that (not saying a don't believe you, it just that's about 3 times longer than my HTC Desire running Android which is meant to be much slower).

Wow, talk about taking the integration seriously. AT&T are going to make T-mobiles phones work as well as there own.

Just how slowly does the default app open that you need a replacement just for speed?

"It'll no doubt be upgradable to Gingerbread at a late date" was that meant to be later date or is it a honest appraisal of how slow AT&T are with android updates.

So , you are expecting AT&T who failed to spend the huge profits they made when they had iPhone exclusivity on making their network work, to spend larger sums of money upgrading their network AFTER they have coughed up a big chunk of change on another network. They will only do this when it becomes apparent that

@Clashwerk: This wouldn't work in America, because the political system is so awash with bribes from big business that nothing that is not in those companies best interests (i.e. anything that isn't rapidly profitable) doesn't happen.

Nope, he's in England, so it's a jumper.

All he is saying is that he doesn't know enough about the tech sector to make predictions about Apples future, fact is, no one does.

Was the toilet available in white?

If you want a energy to matter converter I have an old one in the attic. It still works (I think, been a while since i switched it on). I never got round to putting it on e-bay as nobody wants a mark 4 these days. I don't think it will necessarily work on a "mass scale" as it's a but old for that, but it'll get you

No, just older, smarter and not the sort of snot nosed little puke who calls people trolls because he loses an argument.

Energy to matter, don't you know how to do that yet? Were you not paying attention in high energy physics classes in kindrgarten?

@Interstella5555: so you start with a ringworld then build the second ring at 90 degrees and so on till you fill the spaces.

When your older you'll understand why people say that :-)

You're an Apple user and you're posting ignorant things about other OSs? Sounds spot on.