Hearthatvoiceagain hates the new layout

OK I can see it has interchangeable breasts (the spare pare appear to have a more SFW bikini top on) but WTF is that in her leg? Looks like an LCD display. Is this meant to be a clock?

Alternately he'd sonic them so that they could call everywhere in time and space for free. Also he'd be telling people not to by the iPhone 5 because the Nexus Prime was about to come out, but of course if they just waited for the iPhone 6 it was going to have this amazing feature that no one had thought of

Frankly the whole perfume/model thing was just necessitated by needing to show in a simple way that Amy has a life without the Doctor (I assume she must be a celeb with her own perfume brand, young people don't ask for models autographs in my experience) and the fact they did that in a department store. Go look around

Well she's already been a kissogram, it's a slippery slope.

There is a major problem with this. If River has seen the Doctor in future versions why does she think he has been killed at no.11? Of course it may turn out that river was in on the whole thing all along and is only pretending to believe the doctor is dead to throw the silents off the scent.

Imagine a pub crawl through all time and space, all the best drinks in all the best bars, no hassle getting in to exclusive clubs (through use of Tardis or psychic paper) and the Doctor would also know where in the universe you could get the best kebab afterwards.

why "just before"? There are 200 odd years to account for between the last time the living Doctor told Amy how old he was and when the About-to-die Doctor did the same. Some of that obviously passed on screen, some of it is referred to on screen (ie Jim the fish). Just because the Singing Towers was the last time that

So I'm picking up a vibe here that you didn't like it, am I right?

What you are describing is blind skepticism (of a new thing) , which is basically just blind belief (in something other than the new thing). What has been presented in this article is scientific skepticism which is a good and valid thing. It certainly appeared to me that you were criticizing the author for his

This is why they have relieved this "anomaly" and asked others to attempt to replicate or explain it. Obviously there are very few places where they can do the actual experiments but by throwing it open anyone can present a theory that might explain it. You have suggested a theory and a way that this might be checked.

This is scientific skepticism, which is a healthy and needed part of scientific rigor. Unlike religion or stupidity science doesn't allow you to say "The moon is made of cheese" and expect everyone to believe you. You have to prove it. There is an awful lot of of science that has been done which appears to back up the

Sorry, my bad.

Time for a new theory.

Except that now it isn't.

There was that episode in the last series with a cold star (a star that radiated cold) that could have fit the bill, but they can't used it now as we have had The Impossible Astronaut too recently.

This is the work of the silents.

You're Popeye the sailor man?

You can have up to 10 people in a hanout, so long as you give each one a G+ account you could hangout with them all.

Nevermind Facebook, when are you guys going to be on Google+

Specifically, people who joined the army after proving that they couldn't shoot straight and were easily mentally manipulated, which are required attributes for stormtroopers.