Hearthatvoiceagain hates the new layout


I would Imagine he'll get Iain M.Banks to do it, since it's sci-fi.

Goodness Me no, If you watch the second ever episode of classic Who 'The Cave of skulls' the Doctor (William Hartnell back then) professes confusion as to why the TARDIS has retained the shape of a police box.

re: Alternate keyboards: Disagree. Hardware keyboard pwns all.

"It's one of the most eventful episodes ever, and given that it starts with the Doctor dying and ends with Amy apparently murdering a child, it's pretty intense stuff."

He has had the extra 200 years to do that, but presumably they all drove to the picnic in the car so would have noticed. What would have been really cool (for long standing Who fans) was if the car had a "WHO" plate or the doctor refereed to it as the "New Bessie"

If so she's got the horrible teeth and lips combination fixed sometime in the past.

This is Doctor Who not Eastenders.

OK, more thoughts on what's going on. In the "Next Time" trailer at the end of the episode we see the doctor in chains in what appears to be Area 51. I am no gun expert but the guns seen briefly appear to be modern. What if 42 of the 200 year difference between young Doctor and old Doctor were spent with him a

I agree, I think that this is what we are meant to think, the whole "River kills the Doctor" has been alluded too so much that if it turned out to be true even the people who thought they were pretty smart for figuring it out will be disappointed.

Now playing

And another, I'm guessing this story is a bit of a party piece.

As in a serial Killer/stand up comic? there's a book in that.

I am so sorry for all you Americans who have to watch this sliced to pieces by Ad breaks. I tend not to watch drama on the commercial channels here in the UK because of this and you have way more breaks then us.

Did not get this in the UK. Obviously only for you yanks. I think a firm knowledge of Doctor Who is part of the UK citizenship exam (along with queuing , talking about the weather and Tea-making).

Also does not appear on the UK version so I guess it's just for Americans who are not familiar with the show.

Maybe if they are going to be doing more US episodes in the future he can be like a US version of the Brigadier a liason between the Doctor and US government. And since Torchwood is going Stateside he can be on that too.

Ok just did a bit of basic net research.Heres what I think. Fear produces an adenaline rush, normally this might give you butterflys in the case of anticipatory fear but for a real "Fuck me it's a scarey Monster" fear you would get a major rush, meant to increase your heart rate and hyper oxygenate your blood for the

One possible answer is the laws of causality. If you shot at a younger version of yourself you would obviously not succeed in killing yourself as that would mean you would not be there to shoot your younger self.